Thursday, December 4, 2008

I was talking to one of Miles teachers at his Mom's Day Out Program today when I went to pick him up. During his music time with her she asked the kids why God created us. Miles raised his hand and said to love Him. God created us to love Him. It really is that simple. Then she was talking to the class and she told them that she wished she could just stay and talk to them all day. Miles said you will one day. She asked him when and he said when we all get to heaven. How at four he understands and says some of the things he says is a mystery to me. Well, he will be four in less than a week. Miles is such a blessing to us! My hope and prayer for him is that the simple message of Jesus will stay in his heart. As adults things just seem to get more complicated. Complicated Jesus is not, but sometimes when life isn't going exactly how we planned or when we get thrown a curve ball we begin to think of Him in that way. What He wants from us in a simplistic four year olds mind is for us to love Him. That is not complicated! I'm realizing, as a parent, as I strive diligently to teach my kids that they are teaching me so much more. I'm learning how to love unselfishly, to listen, to treasure the moments, to focus more on today, that time goes by way to fast, patience.......I could go on and on. I say "I'm learning" because this is a life long process for sure! Below are a few photos of the Christmas decorating process. The kids get more into it each year and it is fun!

Gavin made a new friend. He's giving the snowman a kiss.

I love to capture these moments. Moments when you see the curiosity of a child and their amazement with the simple things. Snow the snow going to melt?? No. Well, how do you know? Oh, I just know. The classic line, right?

This snowman sings and dances when touched. The kids enjoyed making him sing.

1 comment:

The Binder Mom said...

It's not a mystery to me! His momma and daddy are teaching him about the love of God . . . and the Holy Spirit is helping him to understand! You are making an eternal investment in the life of your child and a noticable difference in his life!