Wednesday, April 15, 2009

By the Grace of God

Tonight when I was trying to leave church my car wouldn't start. One of our members helped me out. I have a new battery on my car and I guess it came lose. He jiggled it and the car started working. He said to tighten it up when I got home. I left church and began praying we would make it home safely. We only live about 5 miles from the church. We made it to the light before our house and in the turning lane my car stopped. Cars were blowing their horns and Miles was getting upset. I knew the battery just needed to be jiggled again and we could make it. My key was stuck in the car. I got out and a car stopped to help, a lady, to push it off the road. Most people had just blown their horn, but this lady stopped to help. Then, by the grace of God, my car just started and I made it home. Once I stepped out of the car at my house the tears just flowed. I realized how different the situation could have been. I could have very easily been hit by a car because of where I was and it was night or worst something could have happened to my kids. I just couldn't stop crying when I got home. I don't think Gavin had ever seen me cry and he just sat quietly looking at me. Miles said mom I should have prayed at church about our car, but I didn't know. Then when I laid him down I thanked the Lord we made it home safely. He said mom why were you crying. I told him I was afraid and he said God said we should not be afraid. I've just been studying in my bible study how the Lord wants us to come to him with a child like faith. What changes when we're older? What keeps us from having that childlike faith? I think we just know more. We know more about the dangers in the world, but from the mouth of a four year old. God says do not be afraid. I'm just so incredibly thankful that the Lord protected us tonight!! Their is not a doubt in my mind that we are safe because of his protection.


The Applings said...

So glad you were all safe and that God provided help for you. I know that must have been very scary.

Anonymous said...

Tammy~ This is beautiful, I had a lesson today about childlike faith. I wish we could all go back to that!