Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nickelodeon Hotel

I have to say this was the best family vacation we've taken. It was so great having food, entertainment, and our room right there. The kids were entertained which meant we could have some fun relaxing. We went with our friends Rob and Becky. They have 3 kids. We were able to hang out at night and play cards when the kids went to bed because we had adjoining rooms. I highly recommend this hotel for anyone with kids.

This was the view outside our room.

Can we go, please??

I think she likes me.

Gavin's first kiss with another woman!!

Gavin at the arcade.

Miles went down every slide at the hotel.....until he got caught. He missed the mark by a few inches. The first day no one said anything, but no such luck the next few days. He had fun anyway. We will take him back when he gets a little bit taller.

Gavin had a huge smile on his face each time he came down the slide.

Here's Gavin-no fear. Miles, at Gavin's age, wouldn't have done this. Gavin will try anything.

Miles on the slide.

This is Miles getting his airbrushed tattoo.

The boys posing with their fake tattoos. Miles has a guitar. He went around the rest of the day with his sleeve rolled up so he could look at his tattoo(I think Gerald did as well b/c he wants a real one).

Every once in awhile Gavin gets a few looks that remind me of my dad. This is one of them.

Gavin is so proud of himself.


Jannie Funster said...

I've never heard of that place, looks like a kids' dream come true.

This big kid wants to go!

Nice photos.

sole-fresh said...

your baby boy is so cute.
i can't get enough..

Rob and Becky said...

I hate to be the one to break it to ya, but Tessa has kissed Gavin before...:-) Great pics and commentary!

G.B. said...

Such great photos...looks like you guys had a blast. I am so jealous that you got to go there. The boys are so cute...isn't it time to add another little buddy to the bunch:)

The Hartzog's said...

Awesome hotel!! That looks like so much fun. Yep...still missing you guys, trips together and our late night card games.