Thursday, January 1, 2009

I can't resist posting this. This morning Miles said "mom do you know what they teach at private school? He preceded to tell me that they teach you "how to play with your privates". I have no idea where this thought came from. We were just sitting there eating breakfast. You never really know what he's going to say. Last night some friends of our watched the boys for a little bit while we ran out. They laid Miles down for bed and they asked him if he normally slept with his door shut. He said no and if you shut it you will get fired. He makes us laugh these days!!


GieGie said...

Oh my gosh! He is too funny! I will NEVER close his door because I certainly don't want to risk getting FIRED! lol :-D

The Hartzog's said...

Okay, that cracks me up!! What else is a kid to think they teach at "Private School" !! LOL!!
I know you are blogging these funny sayings but you better be writing them in his baby book too. Too funny!!