Friday, February 27, 2009

We're still here!!

Gavin turns two and I disappear from the blogging world. What happened? I'm not sure, but I do know he is an active little boy. Between the two of them they keep me busy. Gavin has changed so much in the past few months. He's talking more, we've given up the pacifier, and we're beginning to potty train. Today was really the first day and he was only successful once, but he sure did make a game of spending time getting on and off the potty. He can make a game of anything. As much as he's grown he's still a mama's boy. He often still wants to cuddle with me in the rocker before going to sleep. Even though he's two and getting so big I treasure these moments because I feel like if I blink too long he'll be four like Miles. Crazy how fast time goes once you have kids. Miles is starting soccer next week. Lots of milestones this year.

Gavin turns 2. We didn't really do a party because we took Gavin to the circus for his birthday. We did have a little mini party with some friends to give him his gifts. This photo is before his much needed haircut. He screamed the whole time Gerald cut his hair saying "no Daddy no".

Gavin got a tricycle for his birthday. He loves it, but he looks tired in this photo. Too much birthday excitement. He calls it his bike and he likes to ride it at least once a day. He hasn't quite figured out the pedaling thing yet, but it has a handle on the back so I push him around while he holds his feet up.

My handsome boys at the circus. We took Gavin to the circus for his birthday. I'm not sure where he was in this picture. He doesn't sit still very often these days!

Gavin's first love right now is sports. He loves playing ball. He's actually really good with the ball. He has a great arm and he does pretty well playing basketball. I have a feeling we're going to spend lots of time at the fields with him! He is a very active little boy!!

Gavin's second love......singing. He is watching American Idol and singing his heart out in this picture. I thought Miles was loud until Gavin learned to sing. He plays guitar and sings all day.....when he's not playing ball that is.

Gavin loves being outdoors.....good thing we're in Florida.

Gavin taking it all in.

Miles climbing the spider web thing at the playground at the beach. He's changed so much in the past year. He use to be so cautious that he wouldn't do things like this. He's still cautious, but he's a little braver.