Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family Time

I've been behind on my blogging. I tend to wait until I have photos of the kids to blog. Anyhow, not much new in the Malloy household. We have, finally, experienced some cool weather. We actually were able to wear long sleeves today and pants. It was great!! The cool weather reminds me that it's not actually summer. Sometimes with the weather being mostly the same it easy to just think it is summer and not almost Christmas!

Gavin's new accomplishments include peeing on the potty 2 times. I'm thinking of going down the potty training rode, but I'm not really looking forward to it. He's still a little scared of the potty so we'll see. He also picking up new words almost daily. I'm looking forward to communicating a little easier with him.

Below are a few photos from our train ride at Lakes Park and our trip to Chuck E Cheese.

Apparently this is what happens when Gerald takes Miles to the bathroom.

Miles has a very serious face on this ride.

Riding the train. They had a little Halloween light show. Gavin was so still the entire time, just taking it all in. I should go more often!! He never sits still.

Gavin loves playing in our closet.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Fun

We decided to take the kids to get pumpkins. I have to admit no matter how long we stay in FL some things just don't mix with hot getting pumpkins. If you look closely in the photos you can see the boys have red checks and sweaty faces. Not quite the fall experience I'd hope for, but it is what it is. Anyhow, next year we will take a trip somewhere cool to experience some true fall weather. They boys had fun, but were ready to go because it was "too hot". We had planned on carving our pumpkins this weekend as well, but our plan did not go accordingly so we're going to try again tomorrow night. Miles and Gavin's first pumpkin.

Miles is quite the ham these days.....wonder where he gets that from. Like father like son!

It's rare that we get both boys in the same photo. This isn't the best picture, but it is the best we could get!
