Monday, November 5, 2007
A stay at home mom.
I can't tell you how many times people ask me what I do in as a stay at home mom(grant it most people that ask this don't have kids yet). Today I thought I would give all of you that ask a glimpse. This morning I woke up and got the kids breakfast and sat for a few minutes to enjoy some coffee and to try to a glimpse of the news. As a stay at home mom this is your connection or maybe reminder that there is a world outside of your home. Then, I came up stairs to get ready for the day. Miles wanted a snack so we sat down for a snack then I thought I would make banana bread. Miles wanted to color. I got out his art supplies and then I went to the kitchen to start my project. The phone rings as I am talking on it I look up to see Miles empty globs of finger pant onto the paper(not coloring). I get that taken care of and then I am off to make my bread. Gavin wakes up. I go and get him. The phone rings. Okay, back to the bread. Gavin needs lunch. I finally finish the bread get lunch together and then I decide to clean the floors. I get the kids occupied and get busy. Finish that and the buzzer for the bread goes off. As I go to the kitchen to get it Gavin spills my drink. My fault for leaving it out of course. Then it is close to nap time. I decide to let the kids play for a minute while I check my email. Someone falls and I hear crying. Okay, time for nap-no more emails. I go to get new batteries for the swing and Miles says he has to go to the bathroom. Back to the batteries. FINALLY nap time. The most glorious time of the day. I am so excited I have so many things I want to do and so many things I should do. Laundry is calling my name, but what I want to do during this precious time of the day is nothing. Maybe have a complete thought that is not interrupted five times or complete a task. It is only 2p.m. and this is a glimpse of a day in the life of a stay at home mom. What do I do? A little bit of everything and nothing all at once. At the end of the day the laundry will not be done, the house will not be perfect, and I will be exhausted, but I am so thankful that I am able to stay at home. It is a gift and even though some days are mundane and uneventful or maybe too eventful I really wouldn't trade it for anything.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
We took the boys to a fall festival at our church. There were blow up games, games to win candy (Miles enjoyed the prize of the candy!), and other carnival type activities. Just like Disney, this atmosphere was a little overwhelming to him. He had a good time, but typically enjoys an environment that does not have too many things going on at one time. Miles is very sensitive to loud noises and apparently people dressed in costumes. I am sure he will grow out of this..........I hope. Gavin, on the other hand, just enjoys looking at everything at this point. He is still content to just hang in the stroller. I do know that this will not last much longer. Every day he is getting more and more active!

Disney World
My sister was going to Orlando for a business trip so we thought we would meet her there and take the kids to Magic Kingdom. It sounded like a good idea at the time. Miles was so excited about going to "mickey mouse's clubhouse". That is until we got there. I think the whole deal was a little too much for him. Miles is the kind of kid that likes to take things in and he is reserved in new environments. I thought that he would just love going despite that because it was Disney World. What's not to love, right? He was scared by all the loud noises and the character's. I guess when you are almost three they look huge and a little scary. He did, in his own way, enjoy parts of it(at least that is what I am telling myself after having spent the money to take him!). His favorite part was the parade and It's a Small World. Anyhow, lesson learned. We will return when he is much older! As for Gavin, he loved it. Maybe he isn't old enough to be scared yet or maybe he will be more adventurous. Who knows, time will tell. We did have fun visiting with Carla.
So tired! Will someone let me sleep.
Miles is exploring Mickey Mouse's House. He can't wait to meet him...........he thinks.
He's bigger than I thought he would be!!

Gavin watching the race cars go by. He loved all the activity unlike his big brother!
Miles stood away from Pooh, but still was scared of him. Poor little guy!
Miles braved the Dumbo ride with dad.
Miles enjoyed riding the carousel with his his Aunt Carla and mommy.
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